Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Response to Joana's Blog

I read Joana's blog and found her article on Euthanasia quite thought provoking.  It was a very well written article.  I agree with her that it should be legal and for many of the same reasons.  If someone is in such pain that they can not stand it anymore, they should be allowed to end their own life.  If someone knows that they are going to die and there is no cure available, they should be allowed to end their own life.  Who has the right to say they can't kill themselves?  If they allowed their families time to say goodbye, they will be hurting no one but themselves.  This way, even if some organs were bad, they would be able to donate their good organs to those who need them.  I also agree with putting people who are brain dead to death.  There is no possibility of them waking up and living a normal life again, so why let them continue to live that miserable life.  They can't think, eat or even breathe on their own.  Their life is not a life, but instead a meager existence.  They could be peacefully killed and their organs could be used to save others lives.  This also will save many tax payer and family dollars.  They will not have to be tended to constantly and have many millions of dollars spent on keeping the patients alive.  The families could save a great deal of money.  I think that euthanasia should be legalized for the many aforementioned reasons.