Sunday, October 31, 2010

My discus speech

Creating demonstration speeches is an interesting dilemma.  Does one go towards the easier speech and do some cooking or go towards a more difficult topic like athletics?  I chose the latter and tried my best to teach the class how to throw discus.  This created yet another dilemma for me as I am a perfectionist when it comes to discus.  Whenever I am coaching I always force myself to use perfect form and force others to do the same.  Teaching discus in five minutes does not allow for nearly perfect form.  Being in a sling did not help me show this perfect form either.
While watching my speech I saw many, many things wrong with it.  The biggest thing I noticed was how I kept turning my back to the camera.  It would have been very nice to have had the clicker to advance my speech and not have to break eye contact.  I was also talking very rapidly and not enunciating properly.  I could have slowed down and not have slurred any of my words.  I also did not explain things as much as I should have and also should have used more repetition.  I basically only went over how to throw discus once without repeating any of the steps.  I ended with absolutely no conclusion.  My speech just ended, I easily could have added in a conclusion going over all the steps again.  This speech would have been much easier if I would had been out of the sling.  I would have been able to show the steps instead of requiring pictures, making the speech flow better.  If I could, I would redo this speech with many changes.

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