Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Organs For Sale?

I truly believe that one shoud be able to do whatever they want with their body.  If someone wants to sell their own organs then so be it.  I don't believe that the law should be able to tell them, "No, you can't sell something that belongs to you."  Would you want your brother telling you that you can't sell your own property?  I think that someone should be able to sell it to whomever they want.  They should not be restricted on how they sell their personal property.  I realize this would bring about much controversy with many people saying that it should only go to those of the highest need but this is, after all, a capitalist country.  Even if the government said that people could not pick and choose who they sold their organs to, people would end up selling them in backdoor dirty shops to those who could pay.  Insted of making these people go to backdoor shops, I would allow them to sell them to whomever they wanted thus making it a cleaner process.  This would help the whole transplant process in general because there would be more organs available.  These days, the only organs in the system are those who come from dead persons.  I believe that allowing people to sell their organs would create an influx of organs and make them much more readily available to the public.
The article makes me agree more with my initial thinking.  I really think it is a person's own choice with what they want to do with their organs.  It is not anyone else's place to tell them no you may not sell your organs.  I thought the article was interesting and I am still sticking with my original thinking.

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