Thursday, October 7, 2010

Response to Madison's Blog

Madison's article was a very well written article.  I personally disagree with her ideas.  Yes, some people in the world are nice enough to donate organs, but in reality the majority are not.  There are millions of people on the waiting lists for organs all just hoping that kindness in the world will pull through.  I do not believe that many people would just voluntarily offer up their organs.  If people really were that kind, the U.S. would not have such a long list of people waiting for transplants as is.  There are too many people in the world waiting for transplants, the countries should do anything possible to help those in need out even if that means they allow people to sell their organs.  Putting a price upon the organ would be done by the market, not by the individual.  The government could even impose a tax upon organs and make more revenue for the country.  Her post did make me realize the opposite viewpoint.  Where would the money come from?  Would it be the person recieving the transplant?  Or would it be the private insurance company?  This would be an issue that would have to be thought over.  I believe it should be like any other procedure covered under insurance; it should be partly covered by insurance but the recipient should have to pay atleast a small amount.  I think it is a very controversial issue, that if dealt with correctly, could help many people and even bring more money in for the country.

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